Hear it from the experts

Ever thought what some of the industry experts have to say about copywriting? Check out some of them below!

#1 Neal Schaffer
Be yourself. Be passionate about your subject. Be generous in sharing your knowledge. Align your content with your business objectives. This is a great combination for creating something which is bound to stand out

#2 Rich Brooks
Well, you can write controversial posts about politics or religion, but that won’t help grow your business.

Instead, survey your current clients and try and get them to share their biggest problem or pain point with you. Find out what they struggle with, and what would make the biggest difference to their bottom line.

Once you get those responses, create a series of blog posts that address those problems one at a time. Demonstrate how they can overcome those hurdles, whether with your help or on their own. Those are the type of posts that people read, share, and take action on.

In short, those are the posts that stand out.

#3 Sarah Arrow
To create content that stands out, you should focus on the one thing the reader can take away from what she’s reading and take action on.

When you know how something impacts upon your reader you tailor everything to help her and it will stand out from the crowd. The biggest mistake any writer makes is to think they can write for everyone.

#4 Demian Farnworth
Relentless research.

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